The Star of David is composed of two triangles which because of their connection, creates a hexagon. From this, you will notice that six wings emerge. If you look closely, you will see that a scepter unites the form when the wings are folded as it protrudes. The wings cover the body. This hints at the holy vessels which states that six wings are to one. Two covers his face and his daughter, and as his feet are covered, the two flies.
These six hexagonal wings in David’s Star represent the heart while the inner hexagram can be compared to the Sefirot of Malchut which means the sanctuary in the middle as discussed in the Kabbalah books.
In the blessings of the haftara, you can find the only prayer where ‘Magen David’ is mentioned. It is required to the secret of the Star of David. Two triangles that are both purple.
These two triangles in the Star of David point against the purple mark and the sign of the gift in the Bible. The upper triangle of the Sefirot indicates Segulaa. It belongs to the sphere of consciousness which is the crown of Wisdom. Violet signifies the lower triangle of the Sefirot. This belongs to the sphere of emotion. The Count of Knowledge stands between the two triangles of the Sefirot and it unites all the tests and connects them.
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