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Magen David Tag

How the Flag of the State of Israel Came to Be

Israel flag

There are several progressions in the development of the current flag of Israel. In 1884, at the celebration of Moses Montefiore’s 100th birthday, the flag with two blue stripes against a white background was presented and it was stated to the general public that this will be Israel’s national colors. It had an image of the prayer shawl with a blue...

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58 (נח) Shapes of NiStar

58 Shapes

Jerusalem has about 70 names according to the Bible and the Jewish Midrash.Salem or Shalem was ruled by Melchizedek in the time of Abraham. This is evident in the Book of Genesis and Psalm 76:2. Salem/Shalem/Shalim is the Canaanite god of dusk, sunset, the end of the day, the nether world, health and perfection.Biblical Hebrew - לם š-l-m which means “whole”...

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